Sunday, January 27, 2019

I thought I was on a cruise ship

I thought I was on a cruise ship.
Turned out to be the Titanic.
At first the waters seemed clear.
Then they went all rocky.

I got so sea sick.
I lost my bearings.
I threw up my insides.
I missed the firmament.

I'm still shaken from the ocean's roar.
You have no idea how she rang my bell.
A pleasure cruise turned into hell.
Nature is a bitch.

The fickle tides of fate.
Her love turned to hate.
She did such a number on me.
Wish I'd never sailed that sea.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Look for the value proposition

Look for the value proposition.
If you don't get what you want,
Just keep on fishin'.
It is not all about money.

Value is deeper than money.
Know what I'm saying honey?
Value defines us kind of like our soul
It is the greatest part of our whole.

Value is abstract.
It's not simple math.
Value is deep.
Money is cheap.

Look for the value proposition.
Make it your mission.
It's the hardest lesson.
It's the greatest blessing.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

I need a parachute

I need a parachute.
Oh my God I'm falling!
I need a parachute.
Things she did just don't compute.

I need a parachute.
I need an absolute.
I need to be understood.
That girl is no good.

I need a parachute.
I never thought she would let me down.
I never thought she would make me a clown.
I never thought she would do me harm.

I need a parachute.
I'm in the wild blue yonder.
With too many things to ponder.
I need a parachute.

I need a parachute.
I thought we had a baring of souls.
But hers was on cruise control.
I need a parachute.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Disappointed is the new norm

Disappointed is the new norm.
No one is angry enough.
No one really has passion.
We just hope the party won't be a total disaster.

Everyone is disappointed.
Yeah let's just get over it.
If we can't make our world better,
We should stop complaining.

I know that our nation has sunk to a new low.
It feels we are falling into a bottomless hole.
I have a really strong beef with out current chief.
Please please God give us some relief!

But let's not be resigned.
Let's be grateful for the good we find.
Let's be grateful for the food we eat.
Let's be grateful for the place we sleep.

Disappointed is the new norm.
All hopes and aspirations still-born.
Dear God we want to feel inspired.
But we seem to have lost the fire.