Saturday, August 12, 2017

Spring cleaning of the soul

Spring cleaning of the soul.
It makes a body whole.
We all need that lesson.
We all need that blessing.

Does it happen once a year?
Hope it happens every day, you hear?
Get a haircut. Take a new job.
Clean your place. Wash your face.

Sometimes we need to feel free.
Even though we never can be.
Some asshole complains about your music.
Some asshole doesn't have a clue.

Spring cleaning of the soul
Helps you console
Yourself to your lousy life.
And helps you renew!

It is time to be re-born.
It is time to be sworn
Into a new way of thinking.
If you don't your options are shrinking.

Spring cleaning of the soul
It make a body whole.
I ain't worrying
Bout the blues I'm carrying.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The rain

The rain falls on the just and the unjust.
Is it God's tears or a woman's fears?
When it is silent it is like a prayer.
When it is violent it is like a curse.

The rain can ease pain.
The rain can take away blame.
The rain makes everything cloudy.
The rain makes faces all the same.

The rain is so elusive.
But the rain has its place.
The rain does not explain.
But the rain calls your name.