Sunday, October 21, 2018

Controlled chaos

Controlled chaos.
That's where we are living.
We don't know who to trust.
It's not a time of giving.
There is no expectation.
And even less explanation.
We still have our wall.
Our mighty nation will not fall.

But we as a world
Are so incoherent.
Nothing is transparent.
There is no heir apparent.

This cluster of divisiveness
Extends beyond believing.
Who will be giving.
And who will be receiving.

That's what he called me.
Controlled chaos is entropy.
We don't have a choice about it.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Age is a number (haiku)

Age is a number.
Just an up and comer.
Age does not matter.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


I am a transmitter
Sometimes my signal is strong.
Sometimes there is foggy weather.
Sometimes I don't know if I belong.

I am a transmitter.
I think I bring valuable content.
To almost everyone I ever met.
But I don't take credit.

The transmitter is outside of me.
The transmitter is not unkind.
The transmitter is beyond.