Sunday, August 25, 2019

 Jesus Christ has become a popular expletive

Jesus Christ has become a popular expletive.
Perhaps because He is burning with pain.
Up on that cross. Knowing we all are lost.
Religion has become a mockery of faith.

Organized religion has always been about power.
The irony is it purports itself as a flower.
If you want to shove down the truth,
Make sure you have strong boots.

The truth will set you free.
If you don't take too many liberties.
Don't challenge the status quo.
Or you are headed for a tale of woe.

We live in terrible terrible times.
I am so glad to be alive.
Where I can express my opinion.
And have my own dominion.

We are just so ungrateful
We white over-privileged slobs.
We live in a land of abundance.
Though there a lot of shitty jobs.

I am grateful I can express my thoughts.
In this country all is not lost.
But also I am troubled.
Because our leader is befuddled.

I live in the United States.
Thank God for democracy.
A lot of people are less free than me.
I don't live in some shit-hole country.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

 Paul Revere was the nexus

Paul Revere was the nexus.
Deep down in the solar plexus.
I am baffled by his success.
Because Paul Revere was a phony.

So many people shouted:The British are coming.
But he was the one who got credit.
Did you know that?
Paul Revere was an opportunist.

The midnight ride was made my hundreds.
But that guy just bragged about it more.
And he had friends by the score.
At the end of the day reputation means more.

Paul Revere was an average guy.
But his place in history cannot be denied.
He was the brave soldier against tyranny.
Forever and forever we need to believe.

There is a deep place with no name.
Where there are phonies.
And there are those with grace.
And somewhere we all forgot our place.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

 I don't know what it means to be a good person

I don't know what it means to be a good person.
But I try to be one.
The last one who told me they were one
Was a phony and an idiot.

I do not think one can be a good person.
One can only strive to be one.
A good person is like immaculate conception.
It probably doesn't exist.

I think most people have good intentions.
But most people are selfish too.
I am still grateful to be imperfect.
I wish more of you idiots would admit it.

We're all imperfect but we all have merit.
All of our yearning is just the carrot.
The truth doesn't lie in the infinite.
The truth lies in every single minute.

Friday, August 16, 2019

For David Berman

I have no claims to his passion.
Though I have full enough of my own.
I have been made affected by his death.
And I know I am not alone.

He had a sterling silver vision.
He had immaculate precision.
He cut through the marrow.
To get to the sorrow.

David Berman felt the truth.
But it made him a recluse.
We must never forget to love.
Even when it is refused.

Yet we cannot love so passionately
That we become less than our own true self.
That is the great dilemma.
We cannot put that book back on the shelf.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

For Sonic Youth part 2

Total trash tells the whole story.
They weren't looking for glory.
They were mercenaries for truth.
Sonic Youth.

Kim Gordon was  progenitor for the me too movement.
But she was thirty years ahead.
Sonic Youth is the truth and they are the end.
They should be your best friend.

Sonic vision. Reality through a prism.
Don't be afraid. There is darkness but also light.
They will throw you at the wall don't care if you fall.
Ultimately their cause is right.