Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I love freedom

I love freedom.
But the ones who are in power who say they love freedom
Are the ones who want to take yours away.
No one can give you freedom.
And you don't have to earn it.
Freedom is already yours.

I am not very political but I have strong opinions.
Opinions are more about what we don't like than what we do like.
I am free to voice my opinion in this country.
And that is a very good thing.
I'm not being nationalistic here.
I just think having freedom is a good thing.
As far as it goes.

But when my internet is down
(for some fucking reason),
I feel a lack of freedom.
Freedom is abstract.
Freedom is not real.
But still we should value it in this country.
Because we have more than most.

I love freedom.
But sometimes I wish I didn't have so many choices.
But it's better than not having enough choices.
I love freedom.
I live in the United States of America.
We are the fortunate ones who don't know how good we got it.
We are so lucky to be mostly free.
And we are damn lucky to have so many choices.
And to be able to say what we want without censorship.
I fucking love freedom!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Things that are bad for you

Sugar, salt, fast food.
Booze, energy drinks. Hard drugs.
Cigarettes. Pharmaceutical drugs.
Red meat. Pollution. Global warming.

Government. Politicians. Corruption. 
Corporations. The filthy rich.

Oppression. Censorship. Zealots.
Un-protected sex.

Liars. Cheats. Phonies.
Big business. Wall Street ( I know this line is redundant).
Ignorance. Greed. Jingoism.
Thinking you are always right.
Thinking nothing matters.

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Let's arm wrestle.
I think I can take you.
You act like you're so mellow.
But you're a warrior.
I know your type.
You're so enlightened.
You're so righteous.
You're so socially conscious.
But when you shout peace, peace, peace,
You really mean you think you're better!

God I know I love peace too.
But peace is not a weapon.
Peace is a way of being.
Peace is inside.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Exiled (Change)

I'm no longer a member of the tribe.
I have to make my own way now.
I know I might not have fit.
And I know I can't quit.
Change is re-birth. Change is growth.
Change can come from within.
But change often comes from without.
Without the tribe I know I will still survive.

My identity is not dependent on the tribe.
I am still wholly myself.
With peculiar aspirations.
And indomitable self-belief.
Every challenge is also an opportunity.
There is always a choice.
There is always a solution.

They took away my badge.
But they can't take my pride.
I know I didn't make the numbers.
But I know I still have value.
Numbers are irrefutable, like God.
I still shine on. I still believe.
I can't put a price on my value.
(I just know it's very high).