Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I am rich

I am rich but I don't have a lot of money.
But I have an abundance
Of everything that matters.
I have all the food I need to eat.
I have an apartment that shelters me.
I have friends that care about me.
I have my cats that give me love every day.
You can't be a success
Until you are loved by others!

Money isn't everything and money alone doesn't make you rich.
Time is just as valuable (or maybe more-so).
We don't know how to use it.
We never have enough of it.
It is the greatest resource.
But it is of limited quantity.

Finite and precise. 
Yet the rigidness is the greatest strength.
If you really know the value
Of all the cards you are holding,
You don't have to worry about the x's and o's.

Value is so much more than monetary.
It's unquantifiable. Unidentifiable
To all but the fortunate few
Who believe deep down
That there is a reason.
I am rich but I don't have a lot of money.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

'Fast and Friendly'

I went on a road trip with a friend.
We stopped at a gas station
Because I really had to go.
Can I use your restroom?
I asked the proprietor.
'Sorry we don't have a restroom,' she said.
I knew she was lying.
Of course they have a restroom!

She said I might go next door
To the hardware store, they might let me use theirs.
I was more than a little irritated.
Had to wait for someone who was in there.
Was one of those mop room/storage closet bathrooms.
Industrial waste in more ways than one.
But it was serviceable.
It was useful for my purpose.

I went back to my friend's car.
We drove away from the service station.
When I saw that sign:
Fast and friendly.
You gotta be kidding.
My God, what's friendly about not letting someone use your restroom?
And how is that full service?
Is there any customer service left in this country?
I know it when I see it and it's really rare.

That sign should have a shit stain on it.
That's how 'friendly' they are to their customers.
That's how I feel toward their stupid sign.
People have medical conditions.
Bad kidneys, some people just go a lot.
But that friendly service station,
The only one at the whole freeway exit,
Sticks it out there. They can stick it alright.
That idiotic insulting sign.
Fast and friendly.

Monday, June 15, 2015

For mom on Mother's Day (well, after)

I love you more than I love myself.
You are where I begin.
I know I'm not rich.
I know I'm not good.
But I think I'm pretty great.
And you made me great mom!
And you are a gift from God.

I don't know if I will ever publish this.
I know it is raw and unafraid.
But that is me at my core.
I believe in myself.

Thank you mom for being my teacher and spiritual guide.
Thank you mom for being in my life.
Thank you mom for bringing me into the world.
Thank you mom for being you.
You are beautiful and amazing.
I cherish and admire you.
Your son.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Maybe the hero

Maybe the hero is the one who doesn't go to the party.
Maybe the hero is the one who doesn't
Have to go out and be in the crowd.
And put in an appearance.
And make the usual statements and
Be part of the group and let their
Personality be subsumed.
Maybe the hero is the one
Who chooses to know himself.

Maybe the hero is the one who
Chooses to be alone.
Because he knows he will get things done.
And he knows the world maybe isn't ready
For his way of living. His acute self awareness.
Most people are afraid of themselves.
That's why they feel a need to belong.
That's why they feel a need to be accepted.

Maybe the hero is the one who doesn't belong.
Maybe the hero is the one who is misunderstood.
Maybe the hero is the one who loves to be alone.
Maybe the hero is the one who no one gives a shit about.
Maybe the hero is never going to be acknowledged.
Maybe the hero is the one who just knows:
Deep down inside they are on a path.

And no one has to be on it with them.
Doesn't mean they aren't on it.
Doesn't mean they are an outcast.
Maybe the hero is just freer than most.
Maybe the hero is just not concerned with appearances.
'They call us lonely, but we're really just alone.'


Sunday, June 7, 2015


Languor is an art form
But it's not to everyone's taste.
Some people think they
Have to be doing something
Every second.
But the not doing something
Is like the space between notes.
They have to be there.

Languor gets at the essence of things.
Because it does not work too hard for it.
Languor is for those who seek pleasure.
But languor is not sinful.
Languor is bliss.

Languor is a learned behavior.
Like learning to play an instrument.
Or becoming a Buddhist monk.
Languor is for believers.

There is a time for everything.
We can't make the moment happen.
The moment comes in its own time.
To be languorous is to acknowledge time
But not try to control it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It's not ok to not believe

Everybody believes in something.
The preacher believes in God (most of the time).
The alcoholic believes in alcohol (definitely).
The over-eater believes in food.
The virtuous person believes in their virtue. (I wish I did).
No one is removed from sin.
No one needs to deny they are not perfect.

I believe in the power of the word.
I believe in decent human beings.
I believe in honesty (although it's pretty fucking rare).
I believe in integrity.
I believe in the spirit.
I believe in having a choice (although I hate making it).
I believe in humanity (yeah, right).

The atheist has the strongest faith of all.
The atheist is certain there is no higher power and no meaning in the universe.
It takes just as much faith to not believe as it does to believe.
I believe there is a reason (although it is not for us to understand).
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
Everything happens for a reason.