Saturday, January 3, 2015

Impossible New Year's Resolutions

I made a resolution to hold hands with the sky.
I made a resolution to spit in God's eye.
I made a resolution to see if the moon
Was really made of cream cheese
Like they told you in school.
I made a resolution to eat someone's thought.
I made a resolution that happiness can actually be bought.

I made a resolution to plant a garden on the ocean.
I made a resolution to run without motion.
I made a resolution to put the sun in my hat.
I made a resolution to squash the Earth flat.
I made a resolution to love without pity.
I made a resolution to make war pretty.

I made a resolution to write a poem in invisible ink
Then send it to my beloved with an eye blink.
I made a resolution to never be sad.
I made a resolution to never be bad.
Those last two were the hardest I ever had.

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